Test if the published time is in the past.

    One scheduling test.

    Posting without scheduling.

    Trying out scheduling a post.

    Test adding a publish date.

    Checking the date format on the script prompts.

    Apparently I need another cross posting test.

    One more cross posting test.

    Testing cross posting parameters.

    Check some things with cross posting.

    Testing updates for an older post.

    One more update.

    More tests.

    Testing a few things.

    Adding some updates.

    Testing out some more things.

    Testing out some things.

    Pure joy during the Easter egg hunt today. 😍

    Little girl laughing while running through a park carrying an Easter basket hunting for eggs.

    Pure joy during the Easter egg hunt today. 😍

    Little girl laughing while running through a park carrying an Easter basket hunting for eggs.

    Pure joy during the Easter egg hunt today. 😍

    Little girl laughing while running through a park carrying an Easter basket hunting for eggs.

    Pure joy during the Easter egg hunt today. 😍

    Little girl laughing while running through a park carrying an Easter basket hunting for eggs.

    Need to test more with updating a post.

    Updating to published worked. Now to try changing some text.

    Test posting with code blocks.

    func myFancyFunction() {
    	... do some fancy stuff here
    	... then return it

    Posting to Micro.blog with Drafts

    There are a few Drafts actions that allow you to post to Micro.blog, but none of them did everything that I wanted in one place. That led me to create the Post/Update to Micro.blog action. This action will allow you to do a lot for a post, directly in Drafts. Features Blog Selection If you have multiple domains configured for your account, such as a main domain and the provided test domain from Micro.

    Read More

    Posting to Micro.blog with Drafts

    There are a few Drafts actions that allow you to post to Micro.blog, but none of them did everything that I wanted in one place. That led me to create the Post/Update to Micro.blog action. This action will allow you to do a lot for a post, directly in Drafts. Features Blog Selection If you have multiple domains configured for your account, such as a main domain and the provided test domain from Micro.

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    Trying out a draft post.

    Now let’s publish it.

    Test to make sure everything is working properly.

    Adding some updates for good measure.

    Test new config request setup for the drafts action.

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