Another draft post to test with.
One more draft post.
Adding a post as a draft to publish tomorrow.
Now time to publish the post.
Everything is coming together with the action. 🎉
Updating the draft to published.
Let’s see if I broke anything with updating.
One more update. 🙂
Testing out new tag setup for the post url.
Checking to see if I broke anything with posting.
Figuring out the responses to be able to set the tags properly.
Testing out updates again.
Adding some more text. 🤞🏼
More update tests.
Test updating post status.
Checking some of the response data this time.
Had a parenting first the other day.
My daughter picked some gum off of the bench, at the train stop, and started playing with it. At least she didn’t put it in her mouth. 🤢
Had a parenting first the other day.
My daughter picked some gum off of the bench, at the train stop, and started playing with it. At least she didn’t put it in her mouth. 🤢
One more draft post. And making it published.
I can’t believe that this is working.
And that I can update it too. 😱
📷 Photo Challenge day 15: Patience.
Testing again.
Test posting image to selected blog.
This has a picture.
Fun with Draft Actions
One More Time
One more attempt at supporting HTML titles.