Testing new data object.
Test published post 2.
Test published post
Test post status part 4. Adding a tag part 2.
Test post status part 4. Adding a tag
Test post status part 3
Test post status
These two make my heart whole. ❤️
Cute doggies.

True story. 😂
True story. 😂
Trouble with NSDiffableDataSourceSectionSnapshot
I’m running into issues when trying to use NSDiffableDataSourceSectionSnapshot. I want to have this UI, where we have multiple sections and each section has builds, but the additional builds are collapsible. This works, however, since there are a large number of sections there is some significant UI hangs. I played around with the number of sections and the magic number appears to be 80. 80 sections or less and there are no UI hangs, but anything over that will experience a hang.