Had a parenting first the other day.

My daughter picked some gum off of the bench, at the train stop, and started playing with it. At least she didn’t put it in her mouth. 🤢

Gif of Will Ferrel in the movie Elf picking gum off of a subway entrance railing.

One more draft post. And making it published.

I can’t believe that this is working.

And that I can update it too. 😱

📷 Micro.blog Photo Challenge day 15: Patience.

Testing again.

Test posting image to selected blog.

This has a picture.


Fun with Draft Actions

I’m having some fun working on this Drafts action for Micro.blog. I’m horrible with JavaScript, but I’m fumbling my way through it and feel like it’s coming along nicely. I’ve still got some ideas for it, but wanted share a little bit, to give myself a push, so that I don’t keep it hidden forever. I wanted to have one spot to post to my primary or test blog, so I added a prompt that will let you choose which blog that you want to post to.

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h1 I'm Stubborn h1

I’m gonna keep trying this until it works.

h1 Will This Work h1

Will it work this time, using html?

One More Time

One more attempt at supporting HTML titles.

<h1>Another HTML Title</h1>

Second try at using HTML for the title.

h1 Post with HTML Title h1

This post uses an html title.

My second post

My fancy new post with a better title.

# My New Post

This is a fancy post with a title.

Testing new data object.

Test published post 2.

Test published post

Test post status part 4. Adding a tag part 2.